Pastor Dele Alaba Ilesanmi, FCK

Vice President of Advancement & Linkages

Other Information

  • ThD in Theology
  • PhD in Christian Education, Northwestern Christian University, Florida, USA
  • MA in in Theology (Christian Education), Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria
  • PGD in Theology, Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria  
  • PGD in Mission, Redeemed School of Mission, Nigeria 
  • PGDE in Social Science (Economics), University of Ibadan, Nigeria 
  • B.Ed. (Hons) in Educational Management and Economics, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • School of Disciples
  1. Biblical Research Professor, Chosen Life Christian University.
  2. Adjunct Research Professor & Vice President of Advancement and Linkages, Testament Theological Seminary (2023-till date)
  3. Lecturer at The Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria, 2008 till date
  4. Global Director, Research & Development, International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals.
  5. Campus and Assistant Zonal Coordinator, The Redeemed Christian Bible College, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2008-2021
  6. Lecturer at the School of Disciples, the Redeemed Christian Church of God, 2009 till date
  7. Lecturer and Coordinator of RCF School of Disciples in all the Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education in Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2017-2019
  8. Editorial Board Member & Reviewer, African Journal of Kingdom Education – AJOKE, 2023 till date 
  9. Editorial Board Member & Reviewer, Mature Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologiand, Scholars, and Professionals, 2023 till date 
  10. Director and CEO of ChristoPress Institute of Biblical Research & ChristoPress Digital Hub Ltd, 2022 till dateLead Editor, Mature Journal (Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals), 2023–to date
  11. Managing Director, African Journal of Kingdom Education, 2023 till date
  12. Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Campus Magazine, Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria, 2000-2002
  13. Editor-in-Chief Glomoco Observer Mirror, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
  14. Editor-in-Chief, RCCG Reigning King Bulletin, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2011-2012
  15. Editor-in-Chief, RCCG Overcomer Bulletin, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2014–2015
  16. English/OralEnglish Teacher, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
  17. Economics and Commerce Teacher, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
  18. English/Oral English, Government Girls’ Secondary School, Portiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria, 2003-2004
  19. Economics, Government Girls’ Secondary School, Portiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria, 2003-2004
  20. Account Teacher (Teaching Practice), Emmanuel College, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, 2005-2006
  21. English Teacher, Aramoko District Commercial Secondary School(ADICO), Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2005-2007
  22. Economics Teacher (Teaching Practice), Lead City High School, Jericho, Ibadan. Oyo State, Nigeria, 2006/2007
  23. English/Oral English Teacher, Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Nigeria, 2006-2009
  24. Literature-in-English Teacher, Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Nigeria, 2006-2009
  • And many more.
  1. Fellow, Association of Certified Kingdomologists
  2. International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals
  3. African Journal of Kingdom Education
  4. Mature Journal International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals
  5. Chosen Life Christian University
  6. Testament Theological Seminary
  7. ChristoPress Research Centre (CRC)

Dr. Dele A. Ilesanmi has surpervised over 15 graduate students’ projects works/dissertations since 2008.

  1. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Conceptualising African Theologies and the Scholars’ Standpoints: A Comparative Review. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(4) pp. 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14579551
  2. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). African Theologies: A Comparative Analysis of Theogenesial and Theogogical Praxes Between Traditional and Christian Theologies. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals, 2(4), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14576820
  3. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Theogenesial Theory and Darwinism: A Biblical Clarification on the Origin of the Universe. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals, 2(4), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14567822
  4. Ilesanmi, D. A., & Imuwahen, T. O. (2024). Pneumagogy of Education: A Framework for Effective Teaching and Learning in Biblical Christian Education. African Journal of Kingdom Education: 2(3), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14580059
  5. Ilesanmi, Dele A (2024). The Theology of Jesus. A Thesis submitted to International School
    of Theology in fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of Doctor of
    Theology in Theology. (Dissertation/Thesis)
  6. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Biblical Research: A Theological and Epistemological Inquiry. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(2), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12638474
  7. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Pneumagenesial Theory: The Groundwork for A Biblical Understanding of the Origin of the Cosmos. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13948094
  8. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Types of Biblical Research Designs: A Guide to Biblical Research Methodology. Mature Journal of International nstitute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–27. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13947929
  9. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). The Need for Biblical Research and Publication Beyond Secularism: Concepts And Importance. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13946710
  10. Ilesanmi,
    Dele A. (2024). Man: A Tripartite Being. A Presentation at RCCG Zonal Sunday
    School Teachers’ Review
  11. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Jesus is God: A Comparative Scriptural Survey of Jesus’ True Identity (the Bible and the Qur’an). Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(2), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12638208
  12. Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Models for Writing Term Papers in Biblical Research: A Practical Guide for Students. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(4), pp. 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14568147
  13. Ilesanmi, D. A., et al. (2024) Reconstructing the Local Church Through God’s Word and Holy Spirit-directed Approaches: African Journal of Kingdom Education: 2(2), pp. 1–5, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14577748
  14.  Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2024). The Bibliogogics of Triune God: Demystifying the Mystery of the Trinity. In African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 2,
  15. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Jesus’ Birth: The Impact of His Sonship and Divinityship on Humanity. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (03)
  16. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Christianity and Educational Development: The Nigerian Experience. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (03).
  17. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Jesus’ Teaching Through Discovery and Pneumagogy: A Theogogical Approach to Teaching and Learning in Christian Education. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
  18. Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Religiosity and Morality in Contemporary Churches in Nigeria: Critical Points of Disconnections Between Faith and Praxis. in: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
  19. Imuwahen, T. O., Ilesanmi, D. A., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Unravelling the Four Epistemic Methods of Experiencing God: Insights and Implications. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
  20. Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Kingdom Christian Education and the Global Church: Combating Heresies in the Age of Globalisation. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
  21. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Revisiting the Ekitiparapo Liberation War After 137 Years. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 2(01)
  22. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). The Changing Faces of World Christianity in the 21st Century. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (01)
  23. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Christianity and Globalisation: An Impact Review. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (02)
  24. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Changing Faces of African Christianity: The Role of Dr. Mojola Agbebi. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (01).
  25. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Current Trends and Demographical Changes in World Christianity, Plusdigest, Vol. 1 No. 3 September 2023
  26. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). The Salvific Global Mission of Jesus: A Biblical and Apologetical Interpretation of Matthew 15:24. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
  27. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Major Trends in Kingdom Church Growth in Nigeria. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
  28. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Pneumagogy: A Proposed Theory for Effective Teaching and Learning in Christian Kingdom Education. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
  29. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Relevance Makes a Difference. A paper delivered during the Induction Orientation Seminar organised by the International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals (IICTSP), Lagos State Chapter, on Tuesday, 27th June, 2023.
  30. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Theology of Yoruba Nation Declaration: The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions of Self-Determination Struggle. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 1(02)17. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Yoruba Nation Independence: A Biblical and Theological Perspective. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol.1(01) 
  31. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 1(01)
  32. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Prepared for the Lord’s Returns? In: ChristoPress Magazine
  33. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). The Imperative of Personal Holiness. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  34. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus, The Crucified God. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  35. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Barometer of Greatness: 3John 2 Texual Exegesis of a “Total Man” and God’s Intent for your Life
  36. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Speak the Word.ChristoPress Magazine
  37. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Faith Production: An Exegetical Analysis of Romans 10:17 ChristoPress Magazine
  38. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Five “Power Signs “of a Believer: A Critical Examination of Mark 16: 15-18.
  39. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). JESUS: An Excellent Name. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  40. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). New Hope of Good News. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  41. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Gospel Hope. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  42. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Hope of Salvation. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  43. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The New Hope of Eternal Life. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  44. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Hope of Safety. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  45. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). New Hope in Christ. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  46. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Hope of Resurrection. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  47. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Power of Resurrection. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  48. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus’ Resurrection: The Mystery and Theology of New Hope Beyond the Grave. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  49. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Dimensions of Divine Blessings: The Important Role Food, Sacrifice, and Giving Play in Attracting Irrevocable Blessings. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  50. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Crucified God is Alive. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  51. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). African Christianity and Nationalism: The Biography of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1860-1917), The Moses of Africa. (Book)
  52. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy (Monograph).  (Book)
  53. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Creating Zion in the midst of Babylon: An Exegetical Study of Psalms 137:1. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  54. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). New Level of Superlative Glory. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  55. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). African Christianity and Nationalism: The Theology and philosophy of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1866-1917), The Moses of Africa. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  56. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Lewis* Green Agbelusi (1818-1908): The Foster Father and Mentor of Dr. Agbebi Mojola. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  57. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). An Evaluation of Accountability in Christian Education in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Nigeria. A Thesis submitted to Northwestern Christian University, Florida,
    USA towards fulfillments of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education (No. NCU
    111-8280) (Dissertation/Thesis).
  58. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Christian Dress and Adornment: Changing the Original Masterpiece Comparative Education: The Egyptian, Roman, and Nigerian educational, Model  (Book)
  59.  Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). How to Learn English: Handbook for Teachers/Students  (Book)
  60.  lesanmi, Dele A. (2021). The Schools of the Prophets.  (Book)
  61.  Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Beware of Human Philosophy: How Adlerian Theory of Individual Psychology Affects us  (Book)

  62.  Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2019). Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. In: Ayantayo, J.K (eds., et.al.)
    African Pentecostalism: Probity and Accountability, (Published, Adekunle Ajasin
    University Press, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, 2019) pp.262-292 
     (Book Chapter)

  63. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Globalizing True Education: A Divine Mandate  (Book)

  64. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Educating for Life: Reflections on National Peace and Security. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  65. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Beyond the “End SARS” Saga: In Rescue of Nigerian Youths, Economy and Education. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  66. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Does God Exist. In: ChristoPress Magazine
  67. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Story of Mater Christi: A Preface to Logic of Success. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol. 1 (01)
  68. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Ekiti and the Role of Roman Catholic Mission in Girl-Child Education Since 1912. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol.1 (01).
  69. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2018). Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. A Paper presented at the International Conference on African Pentecostalism at the Chapel of Praise Auditorium, The Redeemed Christian Bible College main Campus, Redemption Camp, KM46, Lagos /Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State. July 30th & 31st, 2018
  70. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2013). Social Change and Moral Crisis in Nigerian Religious Community: Cultural imperatives for African School Children. A paper presented at the 1st Mater Christi Cultural Day, held on 21st June, 2013 at Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
  71. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). Divine RevelationRCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, Nov., 2011, Vol. 1(09)
  72. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Danger of Unbelief. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, 2011, Vol. 1, (07).
  73. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). Be An Effective Soul-Winner. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, April., 2011, Vol. 1(03).
  74. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Power is AvailableRCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, July., 2011, Vol. 1(06).
  75. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Power of His Resurrection. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, May., 2011, Vol. 1(04).
  76. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2016). Doubling Church attendance: A Divine Mandate For AllRCCG Word of Peace. A publication of Shalom Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Omisanjana, Ado-Ekiti, July-September, 2016.
  77. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). In Rescue of an ailing Government: A Physician-Pastor’s Panacea. In: RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, 2015.
  78. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). Keeping to Time. RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, June, 2015.
  79. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). Religiosity without Morality: What can Christian Educators Do? In: RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, 2015.
  80.  Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2012). Christianity and Ekiti Educational Development since 1893. A Dissertation submitted to the Redeemed Christian Bible College in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s Degree in Theology with specialization in Christian Education (Dissertation/Thesis).
  81.   Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Story of Mater Christi: A Preface to Logic of Success. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol. 1 (01). (Book Chapter)
  82. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Ekiti and the Role of Roman Catholic Mission in Girl-Child Education Since 1912. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol.1 (01). (Book Chapter)

  83.           Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2008). The Spiritual and Practical Approaches to Soul-Winning. A Project Work submitted to the Redeemed Christian Bible College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of a Post Graduate Diploma(PGD) in Theology (Dissertation/Thesis).

  84. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2007). Loss of Mothr Tongue. Year Book, Maiden Edition, Mater Christi Catholic Girls High School, Igede-Ekiti1. (Book Chapter)  
  85.  Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2007). Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme: Implications for Private Secondary School in Nigeria (A Case Study of Lead City High School, Ibadan) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of a Bachelor of Educational Management. Unpublished B.Ed Hons Degree in Education(2007): Mat.No. LCU/UG/05/1104 (Dissertation/Thesis).
  86.   Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2005). Concept Mapping and Problem-Solving Instructional Strategies as Determinants of Students Academic Performance in Economics. A Paper submitted to the Department of Teacher
    Education, University of Ibadan, Oyo State in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Award of a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Education 
  • Best President of Federation of Ekiti State Students Union (FESSU), Federal Polytechnic, Offa
  • Commendation Letter from RCCG for doing well in the service of the Lord (2016-2018)
  • The Best Executive Member of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals in 2023.
  • African Christianity and Nationalism: The Biography of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1860-1917), The Moses of Africa.
  • Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy (Monograph).
  • Globalising True Education: A Divine Mandate.
  • Christian Dress and Adornment: Changing the Original Masterpiece Comparative Education: The Egyptian, Roman, and Nigerian Educational, Model.
  • How to Learn English: Handbook for Teachers/Students.
  • The Schools of the Prophets.
  • Beware of Human Philosophy: How Adlerian Theory of Individual Psychology Affects us.
  • Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. In: Ayantayo, J.K (eds., et.al.) African Pentecostalism: Probity and Accountability, (Published, Adekunle Ajasin University Press, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, 2019) pp. 262-292.


"But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ"
(Philippians 3:20 ESV)