Other Information
- ThD in Theology
- PhD in Christian Education, Northwestern Christian University, Florida, USA
- MA in in Theology (Christian Education), Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria
- PGD in Theology, Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria
- PGD in Mission, Redeemed School of Mission, Nigeria
- PGDE in Social Science (Economics), University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- B.Ed. (Hons) in Educational Management and Economics, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
- School of Disciples
- Biblical Research Professor, Chosen Life Christian University.
- Adjunct Research Professor & Vice President of Advancement and Linkages, Testament Theological Seminary (2023-till date)
- Lecturer at The Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria, 2008 till date
- Global Director, Research & Development, International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals.
- Campus and Assistant Zonal Coordinator, The Redeemed Christian Bible College, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2008-2021
- Lecturer at the School of Disciples, the Redeemed Christian Church of God, 2009 till date
- Lecturer and Coordinator of RCF School of Disciples in all the Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education in Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2017-2019
- Editorial Board Member & Reviewer, African Journal of Kingdom Education – AJOKE, 2023 till date
- Editorial Board Member & Reviewer, Mature Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologiand, Scholars, and Professionals, 2023 till date
- Director and CEO of ChristoPress Institute of Biblical Research & ChristoPress Digital Hub Ltd, 2022 till dateLead Editor, Mature Journal (Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals), 2023–to date
- Managing Director, African Journal of Kingdom Education, 2023 till date
- Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Campus Magazine, Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria, 2000-2002
- Editor-in-Chief Glomoco Observer Mirror, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
- Editor-in-Chief, RCCG Reigning King Bulletin, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2011-2012
- Editor-in-Chief, RCCG Overcomer Bulletin, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2014–2015
- English/OralEnglish Teacher, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
- Economics and Commerce Teacher, Glory Model International College, Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2001-2003
- English/Oral English, Government Girls’ Secondary School, Portiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria, 2003-2004
- Economics, Government Girls’ Secondary School, Portiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria, 2003-2004
- Account Teacher (Teaching Practice), Emmanuel College, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, 2005-2006
- English Teacher, Aramoko District Commercial Secondary School(ADICO), Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2005-2007
- Economics Teacher (Teaching Practice), Lead City High School, Jericho, Ibadan. Oyo State, Nigeria, 2006/2007
- English/Oral English Teacher, Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Nigeria, 2006-2009
- Literature-in-English Teacher, Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Nigeria, 2006-2009
- And many more.
- Fellow, Association of Certified Kingdomologists
- International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals
- African Journal of Kingdom Education
- Mature Journal International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals
- Chosen Life Christian University
- Testament Theological Seminary
- ChristoPress Research Centre (CRC)
Dr. Dele A. Ilesanmi has surpervised over 15 graduate students’ projects works/dissertations since 2008.
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Conceptualising African Theologies and the Scholars’ Standpoints: A Comparative Review. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(4) pp. 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14579551
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). African Theologies: A Comparative Analysis of Theogenesial and Theogogical Praxes Between Traditional and Christian Theologies. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals, 2(4), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14576820
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Theogenesial Theory and Darwinism: A Biblical Clarification on the Origin of the Universe. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals, 2(4), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14567822
- Ilesanmi, D. A., & Imuwahen, T. O. (2024). Pneumagogy of Education: A Framework for Effective Teaching and Learning in Biblical Christian Education. African Journal of Kingdom Education: 2(3), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14580059
- Ilesanmi, Dele A (2024). The Theology of Jesus. A Thesis submitted to International School
of Theology in fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of Doctor of
Theology in Theology. (Dissertation/Thesis) - Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Biblical Research: A Theological and Epistemological Inquiry. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(2), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12638474
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Pneumagenesial Theory: The Groundwork for A Biblical Understanding of the Origin of the Cosmos. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13948094
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Types of Biblical Research Designs: A Guide to Biblical Research Methodology. Mature Journal of International nstitute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–27. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13947929
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). The Need for Biblical Research and Publication Beyond Secularism: Concepts And Importance. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(3), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13946710
- Ilesanmi,
Dele A. (2024). Man: A Tripartite Being. A Presentation at RCCG Zonal Sunday
School Teachers’ Review - Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Jesus is God: A Comparative Scriptural Survey of Jesus’ True Identity (the Bible and the Qur’an). Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(2), pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12638208
- Ilesanmi, D. A. (2024). Models for Writing Term Papers in Biblical Research: A Practical Guide for Students. Mature Journal of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals: 2(4), pp. 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14568147
- Ilesanmi, D. A., et al. (2024) Reconstructing the Local Church Through God’s Word and Holy Spirit-directed Approaches: African Journal of Kingdom Education: 2(2), pp. 1–5, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14577748
- Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2024). The Bibliogogics of Triune God: Demystifying the Mystery of the Trinity. In African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 2,
(01). - Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Jesus’ Birth: The Impact of His Sonship and Divinityship on Humanity. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (03)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Christianity and Educational Development: The Nigerian Experience. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (03).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Jesus’ Teaching Through Discovery and Pneumagogy: A Theogogical Approach to Teaching and Learning in Christian Education. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
- Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Religiosity and Morality in Contemporary Churches in Nigeria: Critical Points of Disconnections Between Faith and Praxis. in: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
- Imuwahen, T. O., Ilesanmi, D. A., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Unravelling the Four Epistemic Methods of Experiencing God: Insights and Implications. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
- Ilesanmi, D. A., Imuwahen, T. O., & Deborah, M. A. (2023). Kingdom Christian Education and the Global Church: Combating Heresies in the Age of Globalisation. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Vol. 1, (03). Testament Business Academy
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Revisiting the Ekitiparapo Liberation War After 137 Years. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 2(01)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). The Changing Faces of World Christianity in the 21st Century. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (01)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Christianity and Globalisation: An Impact Review. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (02)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Changing Faces of African Christianity: The Role of Dr. Mojola Agbebi. In: Mature: Journal of the International Institute of Christian Theologians Scholars and Professionals, Vol. 1, (01).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Current Trends and Demographical Changes in World Christianity, Plusdigest, Vol. 1 No. 3 September 2023
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). The Salvific Global Mission of Jesus: A Biblical and Apologetical Interpretation of Matthew 15:24. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Major Trends in Kingdom Church Growth in Nigeria. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Pneumagogy: A Proposed Theory for Effective Teaching and Learning in Christian Kingdom Education. In: African Journal of Kingdom Education, Benue, Vol. 1 (2).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2023). Relevance Makes a Difference. A paper delivered during the Induction Orientation Seminar organised by the International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars, and Professionals (IICTSP), Lagos State Chapter, on Tuesday, 27th June, 2023.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Theology of Yoruba Nation Declaration: The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions of Self-Determination Struggle. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 1(02)17. Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Yoruba Nation Independence: A Biblical and Theological Perspective. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol.1(01)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy. In: ChristoPress: Journal of Christian Education and Biblical Research, Vol. 1(01)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Prepared for the Lord’s Returns? In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). The Imperative of Personal Holiness. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus, The Crucified God. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Barometer of Greatness: 3John 2 Texual Exegesis of a “Total Man” and God’s Intent for your Life
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Speak the Word.ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Faith Production: An Exegetical Analysis of Romans 10:17 ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Five “Power Signs “of a Believer: A Critical Examination of Mark 16: 15-18.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). JESUS: An Excellent Name. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). New Hope of Good News. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Gospel Hope. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Hope of Salvation. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The New Hope of Eternal Life. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Hope of Safety. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). New Hope in Christ. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Hope of Resurrection. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Power of Resurrection. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus’ Resurrection: The Mystery and Theology of New Hope Beyond the Grave. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Dimensions of Divine Blessings: The Important Role Food, Sacrifice, and Giving Play in Attracting Irrevocable Blessings. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Jesus: The Crucified God is Alive. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). African Christianity and Nationalism: The Biography of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1860-1917), The Moses of Africa. (Book)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2022). Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy (Monograph). (Book)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Creating Zion in the midst of Babylon: An Exegetical Study of Psalms 137:1. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). New Level of Superlative Glory. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). African Christianity and Nationalism: The Theology and philosophy of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1866-1917), The Moses of Africa. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Lewis* Green Agbelusi (1818-1908): The Foster Father and Mentor of Dr. Agbebi Mojola. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). An Evaluation of Accountability in Christian Education in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Nigeria. A Thesis submitted to Northwestern Christian University, Florida,
USA towards fulfillments of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education (No. NCU
111-8280) (Dissertation/Thesis). - Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Christian Dress and Adornment: Changing the Original Masterpiece Comparative Education: The Egyptian, Roman, and Nigerian educational, Model (Book)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). How to Learn English: Handbook for Teachers/Students (Book)
- lesanmi, Dele A. (2021). The Schools of the Prophets. (Book)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Beware of Human Philosophy: How Adlerian Theory of Individual Psychology Affects us (Book)
Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2019). Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. In: Ayantayo, J.K (eds., et.al.)
African Pentecostalism: Probity and Accountability, (Published, Adekunle Ajasin
University Press, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, 2019) pp.262-292 (Book Chapter)Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2021). Globalizing True Education: A Divine Mandate (Book)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Educating for Life: Reflections on National Peace and Security. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Beyond the “End SARS” Saga: In Rescue of Nigerian Youths, Economy and Education. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2020). Does God Exist. In: ChristoPress Magazine
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Story of Mater Christi: A Preface to Logic of Success. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol. 1 (01)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Ekiti and the Role of Roman Catholic Mission in Girl-Child Education Since 1912. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol.1 (01).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2018). Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. A Paper presented at the International Conference on African Pentecostalism at the Chapel of Praise Auditorium, The Redeemed Christian Bible College main Campus, Redemption Camp, KM46, Lagos /Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State. July 30th & 31st, 2018
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2013). Social Change and Moral Crisis in Nigerian Religious Community: Cultural imperatives for African School Children. A paper presented at the 1st Mater Christi Cultural Day, held on 21st June, 2013 at Mater Christi Catholic Girls’ High School, Igede-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). Divine Revelation. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, Nov., 2011, Vol. 1(09)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Danger of Unbelief. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, 2011, Vol. 1, (07).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). Be An Effective Soul-Winner. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, April., 2011, Vol. 1(03).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Power is Available. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, July., 2011, Vol. 1(06).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2011). The Power of His Resurrection. RCCG, The Reigning King. A publication of the Reigning King Zone, Living Spring Parish, Zonal Headquarters, Odo-Era Igede-Ekiti, May., 2011, Vol. 1(04).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2016). Doubling Church attendance: A Divine Mandate For All. RCCG Word of Peace. A publication of Shalom Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Omisanjana, Ado-Ekiti, July-September, 2016.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). In Rescue of an ailing Government: A Physician-Pastor’s Panacea. In: RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, 2015.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). Keeping to Time. RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, June, 2015.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2015). Religiosity without Morality: What can Christian Educators Do? In: RCCG, Overcomer Digest. A publication of King Zone, Ekiti Province 1, Ado-Ekiti, 2015.
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2012). Christianity and Ekiti Educational Development since 1893. A Dissertation submitted to the Redeemed Christian Bible College in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s Degree in Theology with specialization in Christian Education (Dissertation/Thesis).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Story of Mater Christi: A Preface to Logic of Success. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol. 1 (01). (Book Chapter)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2009). Ekiti and the Role of Roman Catholic Mission in Girl-Child Education Since 1912. In: Mater Christ Press Club, Vol.1 (01). (Book Chapter)
Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2008). The Spiritual and Practical Approaches to Soul-Winning. A Project Work submitted to the Redeemed Christian Bible College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of a Post Graduate Diploma(PGD) in Theology (Dissertation/Thesis).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2007). Loss of Mothr Tongue. Year Book, Maiden Edition, Mater Christi Catholic Girls High School, Igede-Ekiti1. (Book Chapter)
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2007). Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme: Implications for Private Secondary School in Nigeria (A Case Study of Lead City High School, Ibadan) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of a Bachelor of Educational Management. Unpublished B.Ed Hons Degree in Education(2007): Mat.No. LCU/UG/05/1104 (Dissertation/Thesis).
- Ilesanmi, Dele A. (2005). Concept Mapping and Problem-Solving Instructional Strategies as Determinants of Students Academic Performance in Economics. A Paper submitted to the Department of Teacher
Education, University of Ibadan, Oyo State in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Award of a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Education (Dissertation/Thesis).
- Best President of Federation of Ekiti State Students Union (FESSU), Federal Polytechnic, Offa
- Commendation Letter from RCCG for doing well in the service of the Lord (2016-2018)
- The Best Executive Member of International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals in 2023.
- African Christianity and Nationalism: The Biography of Dr. Mojola Agbebi (1860-1917), The Moses of Africa.
- Pneumagogy in Christian Education: Beyond the Theory of Pedagogy, Andragogy or Heutagogy (Monograph).
- Globalising True Education: A Divine Mandate.
- Christian Dress and Adornment: Changing the Original Masterpiece Comparative Education: The Egyptian, Roman, and Nigerian Educational, Model.
- How to Learn English: Handbook for Teachers/Students.
- The Schools of the Prophets.
- Beware of Human Philosophy: How Adlerian Theory of Individual Psychology Affects us.
- Dimensions of Accountability in Christian Education. In: Ayantayo, J.K (eds., et.al.) African Pentecostalism: Probity and Accountability, (Published, Adekunle Ajasin University Press, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, 2019) pp. 262-292.