The TTS Logo is the soul of the institution. The people gathered around the table signify the diverse kind of students a faculty teaches. The open book at the centre of the table indicates the open nature of the Bible (Old and New Testament) and also emphasizes the open nature of the Seminary. The three torch-lights with flames symbolise the Triune God (The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) as the foundation of the Seminary’s teaching and learning. The red ribbon is the banner and seal of love for the things of God at the Seminary. The background colours green and white are the national colours and also mean progress with purity. The red love shape at the back of the torchlights indicates the love the triune God show to mankind. The white river-like colour is the stream of unadulterated truth enshrined in the programme delivery of the Seminary. To sum up, the concept of the logo is to impart light into the world and to equip emissaries for Kingdom services and heritage.


The colours of the flag signify many things and they are dear to Testament Theological Seminary.

White: Purity, Sacrifice, and Unadulterated Truth
Green: Growth, Progress, and Wealth
Red: Love, Power, and Creativity



"But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ"
(Philippians 3:20 ESV)



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