Associate Memberships

Associate Certified Kingdomologist (ACK)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Ministry, Divinity, Theological Studies, Basileology (Kingdom Studies) or another related field or a minimum of five (5) years experience in the Ministry, Missions and Biblical Exposition across all sectors and industries with an HND/Bachelor’s Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of One (1) Journal Article

Associate Certified Christian Educator (ACCE)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Education or other related field or a minimum of five (5) years experience in Teaching, Research, Christian/Biblical/Religious Education with an HND/Bachelor’s Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of One (1) Journal Article

Associate Certified Christian Manager (ACCM)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Management Sciences or other related field or a minimum of five (5) years experience in the Marketplace, Corporate world and involved in any managerial field across all sectors and industries with an HND/Bachelor’s Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of One (1) Journal Article

Fellow Memberships

Fellow Certified Kingdomologist (FCK)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of Master/Doctoral Degree in Ministry, Divinity, Theological Studies, Basileology (Kingdom Studies) or another related field or a minimum of ten (10) years experience in the Ministry, Missions and Biblical Exposition across all sectors and industries with a Master/Doctoral Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of Two (2) Journal Articles or Two (2) Published Books

Fellow Certified Christian Educator (FCCE)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of Master/Doctoral Degree in Education, Theological Studies or another related field or a minimum of ten (10) years experience in Teaching, Research, Christian/Biblical/Religious Education with a Master/Doctoral Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of One (2) Journal Articles or two (2) Published Books

Fellow Certified Christian Manager (FCCM)


  • O’level Certificate (WAEC/NECO/GED) etc
  • A national or Work ID Card
  • A minimum of Master/Doctoral Degree in Business and Management Sciences or other related field or a minimum of ten (10) years experience in the Marketplace, Corporate world and involved in any managerial field across all sectors and industries with a Master/Doctoral Degree
  • Certificate of Participation from one of TBTS Seminars or Conferences
  • An interview with one of the Principal Officers at TBTS
  • A minimum of Two (2) Journal Articles or Two Published Books


"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success"
(Joshua 1:8 ESV).



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